2117 Robert Drive
Champaign, IL 61821
Phone:   (217) 359-6602   FAX:  (217) 359-3303
email:     [email protected]

Paul D. Schomer, Ph. D., P.E.

Member, Board Certified
Institute of Noise Control Engineering


37 Years of Experience

Dr. Schomer has extensive experience, publications, and patents in the areas of environmental noise and its assessment, human and community response to noise, instrumentation and methodology for the measurement and monitoring of noise, architectural acoustics, and acoustical measurements of building parameters.  He is a consultant to industry and government, an adjunct Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Acoustics) and member of the graduate faculty of the University of Illinois, and a former research leader in acoustics for the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory.  His recognition by his peers as an international leader in the area of environmental noise is demonstrated by his chapters in reference books, his 35 refereed publications, his leadership in Standards organizations and professional societies, and his awards and honors.

As an international leader in the area of environmental noise, Dr. Schomer is Standards Director for the Acoustical Society of America, chairperson of the United States delegation to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Acoustics and Noise committees, chairperson of the American National Standards Committee dealing with noise, chairperson of the ISO working groups which deal with environmental noise and with impulsive noise measurement, chairperson of the American National Standards Institute working group which deals with environmental noise, and he is the United States representative to the International Organization for Standardization in the areas of aircraft noise and impulsive sources.  He is chairperson of the Acoustical Society of America Committee on Standards, a member of the Society of Automotive Engineers Aircraft Noise Committee, a principle contributor to current efforts in the area of standardizing airport noise monitoring, and former vice-president for membership and twice a member of the board of the Institute of Noise Control Engineering.

Dr. Schomer has 37 years of experience dealing with noise measurement and affects of noise on people and communities.  This experience includes blast and mining noise, gunfire noise, airport, aircraft, helicopter, construction and traffic noise, general industrial and urban noise, and the audibility of signals and warning devices. The citation for his selection as a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America references his studies on community response to noise, and most of his work with the National Academy of Science has been concerned with noise assessment.


